Monday 3 February 2014

Don't show off to doormen

Now just like many local towns mine has a few characters and our fair share of idiots too. 
Be it the boy racers who pull away from the lights outside the bars in a cloud of smoke as something on their shit cars breaks, or slide into a kerb whilst cornering in the rain trying to show off and in some cases don't move at all as the stall at the lights, there's always something to amuse. 
My personal favourites are the wannabes who dress as doormen and wander round talking to us about how they're getting their badges soon.  
Some of these guys even demonstrate martial arts techniques to us occasionally with hilarious consequences as I have seen a simple sidekick he felt the need to show me, throw a wannabe off balance and lead to a faceplant on the pavement!  Score one for CCTV playback there. 

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