Thursday 30 January 2014

Never mess with a Pole!

Just a short one about a Polish Doorman called Maciej, he was doing a random toilet check one night and found a guy doing coke, he radioed me to let me know and when I got there the guy was clearly a prat and having a go at Maciej, not a good idea!  Maciej simply wrapped his arms round the guy and marched him to the front door.  
When we got to the front door he let go and gently and I do mean gently here punched the guy forwards, he made the tiniest step forwards with his foot and stubbed his toe in an over dramatic way and promptly fell forward.  For some reason though he didn't put his arms out to break his fall and face planted the pavement, hilarious to the point we realised he wasn't getting up and a pool of blood was forming on the pavement. 
Maciej looks at me and said the immortal words, quite worryingly calmly, 
"oh shit, I finally kill someone"
I do remember raising my eyebrows to say the least!
The guy was absolutely fine and ended up getting arrested after he called the police!

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